You're going through an old coin collection, possibly a thrift store or estate sale jar. Something unexpected happens and you find a unique coin. How should you proceed?
Avoid Cleaning It „Cleaning antique coins might diminish their value by eliminating the patina, the natural tarnish that develops up over time,” says Challenge Coins 4 U. owner Kamil Faizi. "Any cleaning could damage the coin, so leave it as is.
Carefully handle “Use clean hands or gloves to hold the coin by its edges,” suggest Zaldivar. Touching the coin can leave oils or grime that may harm it over time.”
Store Well Use archival-quality sleeves or holders to conserve your unique coin. Zaldivar recommends this to prevent damage, dampness, and other environmental variables.
Do Research Faizi suggests grading your unusual coin. “Professional grading can add value to a rare coin, especially in excellent condition,” explains Faizi. “To maximise its value, use a reputable grading service and authenticate your coin.
Professional Opinions "Coins are valued for their rarity, condition, and historical significance," Faizi says. “To get an accurate value estimate, research the coin online, consult with a professional appraiser, or bring it to a reputable coin dealer.
Avoid Putting Coins in Jewellery „Refrain from placing your rare coin in jewellery, since this might harm it and drastically reduce its value,” says Zaldivar. “Keep the coin original to maximise collector appeal.
Sell the Coin Maybe Selling an ancient coin might get you a lot of money. To maximise your coin's value, do your research before selling.