A Comprehensive Ranking of the Most and Least Compatibility Zodiac Pairs

The twelve signs can, in fact, be paired up in 144 ways. Of course, that does not imply that zodiac pairs do get along.

The best-matched zodiac pairs are matched intellectually, emotionally, and physically. If you want to know whether you and your potential mate’s personalities go well with one another or whether you would eternally disagree with one another in a relationship, you may compare you and your potential mate’s zodiac signs.

A Comprehensive Ranking of the Most and Least Compatibility Zodiac Pairs

1. Cancer and Scorpio

Many people believe this is the most fortunate of all the zodiac combinations. Although Cancer and Scorpio have somewhat disparate personalities in the outside world, the two are an excellent match in this respect and truly understand and bring out the best in each other.

Each partner in this relationship is strong where the other is weak, which is what makes it work. They both have similar life goals that they will want to collaborate to accomplish, and they are both very interested in establishing a strong relationship-something they are willing to put work into.

2. Pisces and Pisces

The union of two Pisces together is an extremely potent and harmonious one. Both feel as though they have found their soul mate or pieces of themselves they had been missing in another person when they finally find each other. The rapid growth of their relationship may scare them both and alienate them from each other. The next thing each of them needs to ask themselves is, “Am I ready for that kind of thing yet?”

3. Aries and Sagittarius

Aries and Sagittarius

These signs would then embody a couple that is playful and fun, one that always knows how to make each other laugh. They enjoy living their lives light and jolly and have several private jokes. They are always organizing fun events for people to participate in and possess large social circles.

4. Sagittarius and Pisces

This combination balances each other quite well on an emotional level. Both of them are naive romantics, like this about each other, and wear their heart on the sleeve. They are considerate of the needs of everyone in the relationship and can be compassionate. Their need for a person a little bit out of the ordinary arises from the fact that their passionate feelings sometimes can be too melodramatic.

5. Virgo and Capricorn

Virgo and Capricorn are working out a strong relationship. Both signs are very hardworking, set high objectives, and lead rather traditional personal lives. The two need some time to get comfortable with being vulnerable and open with one another, but once they do, their shared interests will make them an ideal partnership.

6. Leo and Libra

Although they do love to be in the spotlight, Leo and Libra don’t seem to fight over it. They would much rather share it than what is common for their signs and show off how happy they make each other as a pair.

7. Taurus and Cancer

This is probably one of the most compatible zodiac signs. People with these star signs of Taurus and Cancer simply love to share values. Both of them love building a happy home, cuddling up with a very attentive and supporting partner, and pampering them with cuddles, hearty meals, and unending love.

8. Capricorn and Capricorn

This is simply a perfect match! A Capricorn is only really dreaming about having a partner with a similar set of ideals because for them, their values are that imperative. They work together as one to accomplish what they want from life and are responsive to one another’s needs and wants. They preserve their relationship at all costs and are completely loyal to each other.

9. Gemini and Pisces

Pisces and Gemini balance each other out. Gemini is empathetic and understanding of their needs; Pisces is deeply emotional and intense. While Gemini has no issue playing the role of what somebody needs them to be, making decisions based on what makes sense, Pisces has no issue whatsoever simply being exactly who they are, trusting their emotions. Each side seems to need the other.

10. Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Sagittarians are very well matched with their own sign. They might get into troubles because nobody is going to be around to spoil them, but as they don’t care that everything turns out properly, it isn’t going to be a big loss. They are one of the most easy-going couples who always do exactly what they want to do, have a great time together, and don’t quarrel very often.

11. Aries and Gemini

Aries and Gemini are the most interesting couples who are always having fun outside the house. This is not a couch potato couple, which people refer to as the “Netflix and Chill” couple. Though their Instagram feed itself exhausts most people, they do like living life actively and excitedly with each other.

12. Libra and Scorpio

Because Scorpio is dramatic and intense, while Libra is carefree and jovial, the two balance each other out perfectly. Each sign can handle themselves and is independent to the others when put into social situations. Even though they both function effectively alone, their performance is heightened when combined.

13. Taurus and Pisces

This is a great combination of realist and dreamer: Taurus and Pisces. Both prefer laid-back lifestyles, and both are aware that the partner needs love and support. They are an inseparable couple, with one of the nicest home lives.

14. Gemini and Libra

Aside from being fascinating and lovers of content, Gemini and Libra are great friends. They naturally find compatibility with each other and usually enjoy similar things when among people and having fun. Other couples look up to them since they are an outgoing couple.

15. Aries and Virgo

Here, two complementary characters constitute a perfect match. Virgo shall plan the adventure, while Aries may pick one. They tend to complement the life of the other individual by challenging and balancing each other.

16. Scorpio and Capricorn

Scorpio and Capricorn

In this sign, each is lucky to have that kind of relationship once they decide to settle down. It’s just that Capricorn was always ready for it, and Scorpios commit later in life when fun is over and they want to get serious. Scorpios sometimes may have a lot of requirements, but for Capricorn, it’s easy being perceptive and understanding and giving some space to Scorpio. Scorpios are unpredictable and very unstable personalities, but Capricorns make their perfect match because they try to be what Scorpio needs and find themselves fully satisfied and happy by doing so.

17. Taurus and Capricorn

Capricorn and Taurus are great friends. Both of them love luxury, are ambitious, and like to show off a bit. They really blend in quite well, and their combination works wonders.

18. Libra and Pisces

This is one of the strongest pairs. Nobody can compete with the way they take care of each other. Because they are such a great team, out of considerate actions towards each other they do stand by each other when we need them to. Neither partner really completes the other in this kind of relationship; rather, each person’s identity reflects his or her effect on the spouse. This is an eternal partnership.

19. Aquarius and Aquarius

Because Aquarians are generally confident with themselves, they get along quite well with people who have the same sign as them. This is actually pretty cool because they are in love with someone who is just like them. When there are two Aquarians, they just keep stimulating each other’s minds, and this stimulates the love relationship.

20. Scorpio and Pisces

The saying that applies to this couple is: “opposites attract.”.

Scorpios are cold and distant; it’s tough for them to let their guard down and open up to others and even trust them. In a partnership, they do try to be in the dominating role at all times. On the other hand, Pisces is much easier going, will wear their heart on their sleeve, and give Scorpio all of their love. While challenging at times, their commitment towards each other pulls them closer together after Scorpio has come to trust Pisces.

21. Gemini and Sagittarius

This couple becomes powerfully attached to each other romantically. It is the love from their past that they remember. Nevertheless, though it begins as a smooth-going partnership where both make and take, Sagittarius becomes emotionally too dependent on Gemini, which may eventually drive Gemini to resent them and terminate the relationship. Though they go with great respect, Sagittarius will never recover from this heartbreak.

22. Cancer and Libra

Even though Cancer and Libra get along great, the biggest bone of contention between them will be whether to stay at home or hit the town with the friends. There aren’t too many spectacular displays in this placement, but that generally means less drama and a lot more harmony.

23. Scorpio and Sagittarius

Scorpio and Sagittarius

Despite such staunch obstinacy from each sign, they never give up on one another. They make a good team and motivate each other, so despite strong characters, it seems to work. Problems arise between them when one of them becomes too obstinate even to admit his or her responsibility.

24. Gemini and Gemini

If there were a title available for “most likely to end up stranded in a foreign country,” the Gemini-Gemini combination would take the prize hands down. Neither is really detail-oriented, and so their relationship will face some challenges, but these come from the outside-in attempting to decipher the real world. Their actual bond is joyful and exhilarating. Free and full themselves when they’re finally with one who isn’t trying to control them, they appreciate being free.

25. Libra and Aquarius

There is an extremely strong mental connection here between these two. They love organizing brunches with post-brunch meditation, making friends at yoga classes. The relationship will feel light despite the serious connection and the general good rapport.

26. Scorpio and Aquarius

While Scorpio is usually perceptive about people and takes things personally, Aquarius somehow doesn’t let anything get in their way. They never overindulge in attention, give Scorpio the space they need to return, and don’t require much themselves.

27. Leo and Virgo

Together, they can have a happy, contented marriage if Leo and Virgo are emotionally mature and the kind of people who can accept someone’s differences and imperfections rather than wanting their spouse to be just like them. Leo is happy when Virgo appears content to take a backseat in life, and Virgo does not mind letting Leo be the one in the limelight. They complement each other and really support one another’s dreams.

28. Leo and Sagittarius

Such a fun couple, they seldom have arguments and less drama. They love and respect each other’s nature and would rather be doing than talking about it. Generally, busy couple, they don’t get much time at home.

29. Libra and Sagittarius

This is a social couple, and they have a big social circle. They engage in various activities, try something new together, and generally have a positive influence on each other’s lives. However, Libra may sometimes feel a bit lonely because of their lack of mental and emotional connections.

30. Sagittarius and Aquarius

This is a good match, given that both signs are inquisitive adventurers. They venture around and explore concepts together, never holding each other back. They are happy buddies.

31. Cancer and Pisces

Overall, Pisces and Cancer are basically compatible, but their similarities can render them incapable of functioning as a partnership outside the dream world. Indicators appeal best to those who have one more firmly planted than an idealistic match.

Irrespective of this, they remain very pleased with each other and together create a great, superb world where goodness rules supreme.

32. Leo and Capricorn

Leo and Capricorn make up an unusual, yet powerhouse compatibility. Leos and Capricorns join to maintain their personal life, well-kept, and their reputations precisely as they want it, due to the fact that both enjoy respect and admiration from their peers. Leo only cares about what happens behind closed doors; therefore, neither is too wild. Capricorns can be conservative, too.

33. Libra and Libra

Libra are one of those signs that get along fairly well with their own sign. Half the battle is already won with them as they have someone sharing the same ideals as them. They have a very loving, harmonious, and healthy relationship in which they are all devoted to each other, emotionally supportive of each other, and encouraging in social situations.

34. Capricorn and Pisces

This couple likely started out as friends, playing the game of who’s gonna make the first move and when. Any friendship that transcends to a love relationship is a loyal and long-lasting one. They are secure and comfortable in their relationship.

35. Cancer and Capricorn

These two are going to have some ills and pains aligning their ideals, but they do not completely clash. Cancer initially believes Capricorn is a little shallow, but then they explain that they like fine things because among other things, they make their home seem more comfortable. They are happy to work for this together, and Capricorn will appreciate Cancer’s loyalty and her preference for their partnership above all else.

36. Taurus and Virgo

This couple will describe what the average person would find “boring” as “perfect.” They agree on many things in life, such as money and what they want to be doing in five years. They support each other, have full confidence in their relationship.

37. Virgo and Pisces

Every parent’s dream-what every parent wants for their children-is a relationship like this. Pragmatic, grounded, and fruitful are the operative words here. While perhaps not the romance novel that keeps you awake at night, this is a faithful love, and Virgo and Pisces find each other reliable.

38. Gemini and Leo

Gemini and Leo are the couple who enjoy each other’s company the most. Always laughing together, always making plans for something on a large scale-the little things get lost in the mix because neither of them is very good at “adulting,” but they’re usually too busy enjoying each other to care.

39. Aries and Aquarius

These two get lost in each other’s talks so often. Sometimes, they talk about their relationship until the sun rises. They have many hobbies and things that excite them, and they think the same way. They can establish a strong basis of friendship on which to build a relationship.

40. Virgo and Aquarius

Virgo and Aquarius

First, Virgo is going to think the Aquarius is a little weird; then they’ll learn that they are actually not as different after all. For all of their crazy ideas and antics, Aquarians aren’t completely nuts like Geminis are, and they can look out for themselves. Since both are a little different from each other, there is a spark between them.

41. Taurus and Taurus

The Tauruses value their values more than most of the other signs. Already, this is a great partnership-we have somebody with whom to share those values: loyalty, stability, and comfort. These two set up a fantastic foundation, knowing how trustworthy the person they love is, and know how to take care of one another.

42. Aries and Aries

Aries-Aries have a very solid ground of friendship and fun. They will keep each other busy and also push each other, yet they lack that depth and balance that come from being matched with someone who complements rather than replicates their energies.

43. Leo and Aquarius

The only place Leo and Aquarius will probably click is within the bedroom, as that is where they are drawn to a dynamic, unique partnership. Outside of the bed, they may well have little common, but with effort they make in learning each other, they could find a close companionship.

44. Virgo and Sagittarius

Because their qualities complement each other and there is no extreme contrast that would drive them nuts, opposites attract.

Sagittarius gets Virgo to have fun, and Virgo makes sure Sagittarius doesn’t fall off a cliff.

45. Aries and Leo

Leo and Aries are the best of friends and natural allies. They love taking risks, having experiences, being goofy, and pushing themselves. And they love doing those things with one another. They take the most jealousy-inducing Instagram photos together, ever.

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